Some things to keep in mind when configuring Anvard for Laravel 4:

Review vendor/atticmedia/anvard/src/Atticmedia/Anvard/Anvard.php

The function findProfile specifies role_id, username, email, password and password_confirmation when creating a new user. I commented out role_id and password_confirmation because I have no need for these fields in my users table. I also commented out username and email because I am specifying rules to set those values in the app/config/packages/atticmedia/anvard/db.php file in the uservalues array.

Review vendor/atticmedia/anvard/src/Atticmedia/Anvard/routes.php

When attempting to log in via an external provider, I was getting the error “Cannot redirect to an empty URL”. This was fixed by changing the line containing return Redirect::back(); to return Redirect::route('home');. After successfully logging in, the user is redirected to the named route ‘home’.

Twitter considerations

The Twitter API does not return an email address so I use the twitter displayName and append ‘’ to create a valid email so the user can be created.

Published On: August 2nd, 2013 / Categories: Programming /

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